We, the members of Private Museum Tours, present this book to you made for New York City kids, by New York City kids, drawing inspiration from the abundant museum collections of New York City. Visiting institutions like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Acquavella Gallery, we were motivated by the beauty and absurdity of these works, pulling specifically from “Picasso: Seven Decades of Drawing” and the modern art gallery of the Met’s permanent collection to create this book.
Through the extensiveness of these collections, we were able to travel the world within the museum. Represented here, you’ll find visual references to multiple cultures including Southeast Asian and African art. We hope you enjoy coloring these pages, drawn and curated by a talented group of six to fourteen years old, and that you’ll be just as inspired as we were to visit a museum near you, to immerse yourself in such beauty and absurdity.
Takeaway questions for you: Do you ever save your children's artwork? Or did your parents ever share the masterpieces you created when you were a toddler?